Öffne deine Boutique IR

Öffne deine Boutique IR


It’s a new shopping experience, a concept created to amaze and fall in love with. Elegance, luxury and exclusivity: welcome to the Boutique Infinity Roses. 
Öffne deine Boutique IR


Furnishings are designed and manufactured entirely by hand with fine finishes such as crystals, lacquered woods and white marble with gold veins.
Öffne deine Boutique IR


The revolutionary wheeled showcase, with its double-faced display, makes the spaces shine with light and color. A golden counter to let customer live the Ritual Treasure experience.
Öffne deine Boutique IR

Lounge Bar

Conviviality and multimedia come together in the Lounge area to offer maximum comfort and service to our customers.


Open your Infinity Roses boutique

Get in touch with the Infinity Roses specialists, we will be at your disposal to guide you in the Infinity Roses world.

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